Dear President Biden:
At the end of World War II and into the 1950s, the United States was proud of its beneficence and thoughtfulness for people in other lands. Our government was a strong supporter of the United Nations and was a signatory of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Since then, the US government and its foreign policy establishment has become more and more interested in projecting national power than in protecting human rights. This has reached a peak over the past 13 months with your open support for Israel’s indiscriminate and murderous bombing of Palestinians.
That war began as a retaliatory response to the Hamas attack inside Israel. Initially your public statement was the usual, “Israel has a right to defend itself.” After weeks of indiscriminate murder of women and children in apartment buildings, schools, hospitals, and targeted killing of Journalists and humanitarian workers, it became clear that defeat of Hamas was an excuse for ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Gaza.
Israel has consistently refused to accept international calls for a ceasefire, and now well more than 40,000 Palestinians are dead, 70% are women and children. Israel now is responsible for creating the largest number of child limb amputees in any nation. Israel’s refusal to let humanitarian aid into Gaza has created mass starvation.

Even with international condemnation you refused to condemn the carnage and have refused to stop supplying Israel with weapons. This had made me and all other taxpayers complicit in the murder of innocent people. It has become the Israel/U.S. war on Palestinians.
This has surprised me. I still can see no reason why you have continued this support. It is certainly not in the interest of the American people. This is something I would have expected of an amoral President with no integrity. But those of us who supported you did not think you were that President.
Stopping the war on Palestinians is clearly the right thing to do. So, I urge you to condemn this war and stop U.S. involvement NOW while you are still President. If you do not, genocide will be the historical legacy of your presidency, what you will be long remembered for.
Joe Burton
North Carolina Peace Action